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In the world of Ranking of Kings, monarchs are evaluated based on three criteria: their nation’s prosperity, the strength of their warriors, and their own heroic and strong leadership. The system is administered by the Ranking of Kings Committee.

Main Character: Prince Bojji

Bojji, the first prince of the kingdom ruled by King Bossu (ranked #7), is born with a disability that renders him unable to hear or speak. Despite this, he is determined to prove himself as a worthy king. However, the people of the kingdom look down on him, labeling him “The Useless Prince.”

Initial Ranking

Bojji’s disability makes him ineligible for the throne, and his father, King Bossu, prepares to announce his successor. Instead, the king announces that his younger son, Kage, will succeed him, leaving Bojji feeling disappointed and overlooked.

Bojji’s Journey

Determined to prove himself, Bojji decides to embark on his own journey, much to the dismay of his advisor, Hiling. This decision sets the stage for Bojji’s growth and development as a character.

Ranking Committee Visit

A panelist from the Ranking of Kings Committee visits the kingdom to assess Daida, Bojji’s younger brother, and assign his ranking. This event highlights the importance of the ranking system and its impact on the characters.

Key Takeaways

The Ranking of Kings system evaluates monarchs based on their nation’s prosperity, warrior strength, and personal heroic leadership.

Prince Bojji, despite his disability, strives to prove himself as a worthy king.

The initial ranking and subsequent events set the stage for Bojji’s journey and character development.


📂 Episode 23 



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